Executing code from RAM on STM8

A short article where we investigate how executing code from RAM can be achieved on STM8 with SDCC toolchain.

All right, I’ve been avoiding this topic for quite a while, so I wanted to deal with it first before finishing other articles. The reason for me to avoid this topic was mostly because I needed to come up with a relatively clean solution that would be worth writing about. I had an assumption that SDCC was not the right tool for the job, and some of the hacks that I came across while researching this topic only made this assumption stronger. But I’m more than glad to say that I was wrong.

Overall the mechanism for copying functions into RAM is not complicated: you place your function in a separate code section, reserve some memory for this function and finally, copy the contents of this section into RAM. The hardest part is to figure out how to accomplish all that with SDCC toolchain. Let’s find out.

First of all, SDCC port for STM8 supports --codeseg option, which can be also invoked via a pragma. In order to place a function into a specific code section we have to implement this function in a separate .c file, compile it and link with our application. For this example we’ll take a function that sends a null-terminated string over UART:

#pragma codeseg RAM_SEG
void ram_uart_puts(const char *str) {
while (*str) {
UART1_DR = *str++;
while (!(UART1_SR & (1 << UART1_SR_TC)));

After compiling the source we should be able to see .area RAM_SEG above _ram_uart_puts symbol in the output listing.

Now that we have a separate section containing a single function, we need to find some way of getting the section length in order to know how many bytes to copy. For that we’ll resort to SDCC ASxxxx Assemblers documentation, which is an impressively large document, but don’t worry - we’ll only need small portions of it.

‘General assembler directives’ section tells us that assembler generates two symbols for each program area (code section): s_<area>, which is the starting address of the program area and l_<area> - length of that program area. Unfortunately, you can’t access these variables directly from C. But you can access C variables from assembly, which means that retrieving code section length can be achieved with just a single line of assembly code:

volatile uint8_t RAM_SEG_LEN;

inline void get_ram_section_length() {
__asm__("mov _RAM_SEG_LEN, #l_RAM_SEG");

Here I’m assuming that the function is small enough to fit into 255 bytes. If that’s not the case, things become a bit more complicated:

volatile uint16_t RAM_SEG_LEN;

inline void get_ram_section_length() {
pushw x
ldw x, #l_RAM_SEG
ldw _RAM_SEG_LEN, x
popw x

We’re using ldw instruction to load the section length into a 16-bit index register X, which is then copied into uint16_t variable RAM_SEG_LEN. Note that symbol names of C variables are generated with a leading underscore. Also note that the code snippet is surrounded with pushw/popw instructions - this is done to preserve the contents of register X since we don’t want our inline function to break any other code that might be using this register.

Now the last remaining thing is to copy the subroutine into RAM:

uint8_t f_ram[128];
void (*uart_puts)(const char *str);

void ram_cpy() {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < RAM_SEG_LEN; i++)
f_ram[i] = ((uint8_t *) ram_uart_puts)[i];
uart_puts = (void (*)(const char *)) &f_ram;

Since there is no elegant way of getting code section length at compile-time, we simply declare an array of fixed size and make sure that it’s large enough to store our RAM functions. SDCC does not support variable-length arrays, so we can’t allocate this memory on the stack either. A nicer workaround would be to use malloc(), but it just feels wrong. We could of course reserve the exact amount of bytes in the .data section in assembly and declare f_ram as extern. But here’s a thing about assembly: once you start optimizing things, it’s really hard to stop. Quite often I come across some code which contains so much inline assembly that makes me wonder why the author bothered with C in the first place.

Keep in mind that some processor instructions can use both absolute and relative addressing, which might ruin your day when relocating functions with external dependencies, so make sure that you always check the listing. The general rule is: addressing within the function itself must be relative and accessing external symbols must be done via an absolute address. Minimizing external dependencies and keeping RAM functions compact and self-contained will definitely help preserving your sanity.

That’s it for now. As always, code is on github.